Friday, July 1, 2011


I was reading a talk by Elder Ballard called Finding Joy through Loving Service while on the bus this morning. At the second stop I watched a man quickly stand and offer his seat to the pregnant woman who got on.

I think I'll remember the one lesson much longer than the other. Nice try Elder Ballard, but random bearded man with coffee in hand totally had your Ensign article beat this morning.

Thanks though.

1 comment:

Kati said...

:D I love it when that happens! The other day on the Metro this woman was with a bunch of probably 13 year olds. And she was all, "Boys, get up and offer your seats to the ladies. If they don't want it, that's fine, you can sit back down. But offer." I was sitting there smiling the whole time. Nice work teacher. Just last night a man offered me his seat. I think this city is a whole lot friendlier then people give it credit for!