Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just Can't Shake the Marriage Lecture

Tonight's FHE lesson was given by Eve, my four year old niece. Over dinner we asked her what she wanted to do for her lesson and she said she wanted to "read scriptures" and play Hullabaloo for her lesson.

Eve set up Hullabaloo while Jana, my sister, and I got our copies of the scriptures. However, when it was Eve's turn to teach she stood up, walked over to the end table, and started pulling magazines off the stack saying, "Wait, I'm not ready." She pulled out a copy of The Friend, opened the magazine to random page that had a picture of the Salt Lake Temple, and said, "We're going to talk about temples."

Brooks, my brother-in-law, asked her, "OK, what do you want to teach us about the temple?"

Eve, "You get married in the temple."

We couldn't help but laugh a little as Jana winked at me and said, "Well, I guess this lesson is for Liann."

Eve continued with dignity as her audience tried to hold back giggles. She talked about how you get married in the temple "because then you have children and start a family." She took a short topical detour to Joseph Smith's First Vision. Tried to re-find the page with the picture of the temple, gave up, and then concluded the lesson with a reminder that when you marry in the temple "God blesses you." We then played Hullabaloo, had a closing prayer, treats, and played a different game for our real activity.

Singles ward or no singles ward, somehow God still manages to slip the marriage talk in there somewhere.


Renae said...

Haha, too cute!

Shara-Dee said...

Liann, I'm not prejudiced--you really are one of the best writers ever! Ever think of it as a career?

Liann said...

Aww thanks Mom! I'll keep it in mind!