Monday, October 20, 2008

Subject to the Elements

Due to excessive rain the Indian government declared today a holiday. Seriously? Couldn’t anyone fill in the white non-Tamil speaking girl before she hauled herself and about 150 surveys, envelopes, and pens across sloshy Coimbatore??

It’s cool though. I had a great moment on the bus with the rain coming down thinking about the feeling of drinking hot sweet milk and just watching the rain fall. I do love that Indian villages just kind of stop and let themselves be subject to the elements. They sleep in on rainy mornings and wait out the rain on their verandas on during afternoon showers.

So next time I wake up to pouring rain I’ll know better and roll over on my mat and fall back to sleep because I know that’s what the Indian government would want me to do.


Shankar said...

You lucky thing. You must have a different Indian government in your state from where I am currently; there is no holiday here. Of course, if the holiday was declared by the Tamil Nadu state government, it wouldn't affect us in Maharashtra.

Renae said...

Haha..that's great. I love the rain!

Shanmuga Prabu said...

I went through your posts and found them to be very interesting. By the way, the holiday was declared by the Tamil Nadu State Government (not by the Central Government). Enjoy your stay in Coimbatore.

Tony said...

Great blog, hope you don't mind that I'm linking!!!

Good stuff.