Friday, February 27, 2009

Eating my way through my thesis.

This is a confession that may or may not be appropriate for the internet, but I’ll make it anyway!

Each week I come up with a new plan to be the most productive with my thesis. This week’s solution: eat. Eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I’ve had a few cans of Vanilla Flavored Coke Zero, sugar cookies with the rainbow chip frosting, Wheat Thins with cheese, pasta with oil and Parmesan cheese, at least a pound of Red Vines, and two Reese Peanut Butter Cups!

I think maybe next week I’ll try and come up with a new solution. Between the stomach aches and sugar headaches I don’t think I’m accomplishing what I want to. That and my pants are starting to get a bit tight. Luckily I also unfroze my gym membership this week, so the damage has been limited.


Shankar said...

All that junk food...I thought we'd trained you better in India? You need some dosa with sambar and coconut chutney.

Liann said...

Yum, dosa...sambar...chutney...umm! Good! You should get over here and make me some proper Indian food!

Monson said...

Peanut butter and ice cream are my main targets. One would not believe all the peanut butter I have taken in (for my size none the less) when I had a ten page creative writing paper that had to be written. The beauties of a speedy metabolism!
Oh, I guess who just had some dosa this morning with sambar and dosa? (although American food is calling me)