Saturday, January 30, 2010

Concerns of a Metro North Passenger

Is it weird that I worry about my train conductors getting carpel tunnel syndrome? I’ve yet to have the courage to ask one of them whether or not their job training involved a discussion of the potential for a repetitive stress injury from punching all those tickets. But I find myself wondering about it each time they walk by clicking their ticket puncher saying "Tickets. Tickets."


Shankar said...

And spending almost all their working hours in tunnels can only increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. Right? Right?

Liann said...

Always the one for puns Shankar! I love it!

Laura said...

My dear, sweet, Liann. I totally forgot you had a blog until recently. I will now stalk you. Hope thats OK! I think of you often.


Liann said...

I want to amend this post. After sleeping through my stop I had to get on the next train going towards NY! After explaining to the train conductor why I didn't have the right ticket I ended up asking him about his job and then got to the question I had been dying to ask. He said he's thought about it (some of the other conductors have carpel tunnel syndrome), but he has bigger things to worry about--like the punk teenagers in the next car over.